Summer is a great time to think about having the service of professional concrete pressure washing completed at your home or business. Many homes have a concrete driveway, walkways and even pool decks. In this post let’s discuss three reasons every homeowner should have the concrete pressure washing surfaces around their home cleaned by a professional pressure washing company.
Three reasons to have your concrete professionally cleaned
1) Concrete that is regularly cleaned is Safer
I’m sure you’ve all seen and walked on dirty concrete. Especially here in the humid climate we have in the Wilmington, Leland, Castle Hayne, Potters Neck and Hampstead areas. The mildew and algae form a dark, slippery glaze of the surface. When that gets wet it can become really slippery. Caring for your guests and family and clients is so important – slip falls account for the #1 reason for hip fractures – which can be a devastating injury! ( Having concrete pressure washing from a professional pressure washing company can help keep you, your family and guests safe.
2) Concrete that is regularly cleaned will last longer
Concrete is incredibly porous and once living organisms such as bacteria, algae, mildew and lichen start to take root, then the integrity of the concrete can be negatively affected. Those organic growths aren’t just hanging out; they’re actually feeding! Concrete pressure washing around your driveways, sidewalks and pool decks is one of the best things you can do to help maximize the lifespan of your concrete surfaces.
3) Concrete that is regularly cleaned has better Curb appeal
Clean stuff just looks better. It’s that simple. Sure it’s safer and will help it all last longer, but the most immediate and satisfying benefit is that clean concrete just looks dang good! It can even affect your mood. Pulling in to your driveway after a long day of work and pulling into a dark and green and nasty looking driveway is subconsciously draining. You may not even consciously think about it, but your brain recognizes that it’s just something else that is getting away from you. That can bring you down.

However, pulling into a clean driveway after a hard day’s work can have the opposite effect. You’ll feel like accomplished and like you’re a good steward of your home. Again, all that may not be a conscious thought; but deep inside, you’ll feel that. And that will have a ripple effect on many other emotions.
Now… having said all that, I should tell you – I’m not a licensed therapist in the state of North Carolina. But I am certified in the safe application of the algaecides that can kill the algae, mildew and bacteria that is feeding on and degrading your concrete and leaving a slippery, hazardous, grimy concrete in its wake. It is important to remember; when pressure washing your concrete, you don’t just want to blast away at the surface with high pressure. For one thing, you could actually damage or etch the concrete.
Another reason is that just blasting the surface isn’t going to eradicate the problem. Pressure washing alone is just like “killing” a week by chopping the top off. That doesn’t actually kill it. To kill it, you have to kill it at the root. So, it’s always important to apply an algaecide to the concrete surface to actually kill the organic growth; not just give it a haircut.
Spring and Summer are great times to think about having the service of professional concrete pressure washing
Tidewater Pro Wash wants to partner with you to help you have an enjoyable Summer – whether it’s hanging out on a clean, safe pool deck, or being able to safely and happily walk across your walkway; we have the team, experience and equipment to help you do the thing you really want to do: provide a beautiful and safe environment for your friends and family. So call us or request a free, no obligation quote today! Also, read more about our concrete pressure washing and pressure washing services and watch a cool video here:
Tidewater Pro Wash